Detached Solutions Title

Omnicalc v1.26

Platform: TI-83+ (FlashApp)
Released On:  Apr 19, 2005

Produced By: Michael Vincent
E-Mail: michael@detachedsolutions.com

Omnicalc Homepage Goto: User's Manual

Welcome to the Omnicalc Homepage!

What is Omnicalc?

Omnicalc is a TI-83 Plus/TI-83 Plus Silver Edition/TI-84 Plus/TI-84 Plus Silver Edition flash application. It customizes and modifies your calculator to provide extended features, such as extra functions. Functionality changes can also be enabled, such as an entries menu or a parentheses highlighter. Omnicalc is bundled with numerous features that should prove useful to TI-83 Plus users and BASIC programmers alike.

   Omnicalc User's Manual

This is the manual for Omnicalc, a highly-recommended read for using the application. It provides detailed information regarding installation, usage, function syntax, and notes on compatibility with Symbolic.

Note: You can find font sets for Omnicalc at ticalc.org.
Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: When I try to run my Lite8x compressed program, it says that insufficient RAM is available. Why?
A1: In order to maintain full compatibility with Ion, MirageOS, and other shells, Omnicalc must keep both the compressed program and decompressed program in RAM. Therefore, the free RAM required is equal to the original program size plus the new compressed size.

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Last Modified: 2005-04-20 02:40:18 GMT