Detached Solutions Title

Calendar v1.0

Platform: TI-83+ (App/MirageOS)
Released On:  Aug 15th, 2001

Produced By: Jason Kovacs
E-Mail: jason@detachedsolutions.com

Table of Contents

 1. Viewing The Calendar
 2. Special Days Information
 3. Daily Notes Information
 4. Options/Commands Info.    
 5. Text & Date Input Info.
 6. Credits & Special Thanks
 7. Bugs, Ideas, & History



Frequently Asked Questions

Q1:  How do I install and run Calendar?
A1:  Calendar v1.0 is only for the TI-83 Plus/SE and has two versions available for you to use: A Flash Application that can run Stand-Alone from the APPS menu, and a MirageOS program that requires our shell, MirageOS v1.1 or higher.

The FlashApp version (CALENDAR.8xk) must be transferred using the TI-GraphLink software v2.0, from the "Link" menu and the submenus: "Send Flash Software" then "Applications and Certificates". Then locate CALENDAR.8xk in the folder you unzipped it to, highlight it, click Add, then OK. After it transfers to your TI-83 Plus/SE, press APPS and find "Calendar" in that menu to execute it.

The MirageOS version (CALENDAR.8xp) must be transfered to the TI-83 Plus/SE into RAM or Archive Memory using the TI-GraphLink software v2.0 as well. Within that software, go to the "Link" menu, and choose the submenu "Send To -> Ram/Archive". That will bring up a prompt allowing you to Browse for files with an extension of .8x* or .83*, then locate "CALENDAR.8xp" where you unzipped to. Highlight it, click Add, then OK. After it transfers, Run MirageOS from the APPS menu and find "CALENDAR" within your current interface of the shell.

Q2:  Why can't I store more than one Note per date?
A2:  For Daily Notes, the aspect of allowing only one note per day was implemented for one main reason: During development of the program, there was not an effective way of displaying more than one note per day when Viewing a Specific Date from the calendar to see its Special Days and Note content. Perhaps a good system can be devised for a later version of the program, but for now if a user wants to enter two notes for one date of different subjects, they will have to be placed on the same note with one below another.

Q3:  How do I enter an apostrophe when typing text?
A3:  You can type an apostrophe (') when in Lowercase mode (small 'a'), and then pressing the Quotes key ("), which is the same as the Plus key. View the Text & Date Input Info page to see a Chart of all the characters that are available to the Text Input routine, and in what key positions/modes each is in.

Q4:  Why can I enter dates like 88-44-2001?
A4:  This is due to the programming technique that was used for the Date Input routine, where it allows the user to type Any value (0-9) for any of the digits, and evaluates the date to be valid Only once you press Enter. It would be very difficult to evaluate every time the user presses a key, because that would involve checking if there is a valid month, and then for the days, that is even harder because there is a different number of days in each month. It is easier to evaluate the date at the end, and refuse to accept the complete date until a person types a valid one.

Q5:  Why can't I press the Clear key during a note to exit it, or abort the Note if I don't want to create it?
A5:  The Clear key is used during most of the Note process for Clearing the line of Text, so I cannot use it to Exit as well. However, I have put somewhat of an aborting system in: When the user starts a note and is still on the Date Prompt, pressing Stat will cause the program to abort the note without creating it, and then return to the list. As soon as the user confirms a valid date, and proceeds to the Title, then the note is stored to memory.

Q6:  Why is there no Backspace key when typing text?
A6:  A Backspace function during Text Input cannot exist presently because the Left and Del keys are already taken for processes. Left moves the cursor to the left, and Del is used to delete the current character, the one that the cursor is in front of, similar to the manner of the Del key on a computer. For a future version, Backspace may be incorporated to work by using the Vars key.

Q7:  What's new in the Flash Application version of Calendar v1.0?
A7:  The FlashApp version is almost identical to the MirageOS version in its usage; however, much of the internal coding was altered so that it could function as a Stand-Alone Application. It directly contains all the library routines from MirageOS v1.1 that the MirageOS version accesses, as well as different start-up and shut-down code for Calendar to work properly with the TI-OS. A significant difference in the FlashApp version is that it makes use of the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition's 15 MHz capabilities, so when running on the SE, Calendar will be much more quick in loading screens and will run more smoothly overall.

Q8:  Why would I use the MirageOS version over the FlashApp version?
A8:  The Flash Application version of Calendar v1.0 does not allow functions of the MirageOS Tasker Interrupt, which gives you the abilities to speed up or slow down the calculator, power-down within the program, or take screenshots. The FlashApp version also does not have Auto-Powerdown capabilities, so you will have to be careful about leaving your calculator on when running the FlashApp version of Calendar; For those features you would want to use the MirageOS version. For TI-83 Plus Silver Edition users who have a lot of Archive space, perhaps the FlashApp version would be more useful to them, but for TI-83 Plus users where the archive space is limited, there may not be room for another app. The MirageOS version of calendar is only 12K, whereas the FlashApp requires to take up 16K even though it contains only 13K of code/data. If you are going to be using our MirageOS shell anyways, you can conserve space usage on your calculator by using the MirageOS version.

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Last Modified: 2002-09-03 22:01:21 GMT