The Omnicalc User's Manual
Credits :
- Kirk Meyer - He provided the math theory that I implemented for the factor() and simp√(). He also wrote Lite86 II and provided the source code that form the basis of Lite8x.
- Dan Englender - He discovered most of the TI-83 Plus hooks, which Omnicalc relies on for its operations. He also helped me with the bugs that seemed impossible to track down.
- Brandon Sterner - Our discussions on OS integration led to improved parser and token insert routines in Omnicalc and Symbolic, as well as interoperatiblity between our two applications.
- Jason Kovacs - He helped with the aesthetics of Omnicalc and also provided some ideas for Omnicalc, most notably the idea for a clipboard.
- Jason Malinowski - He extensively beta tested and was instrumental in reporting bugs and suggesting new features.
- All the beta testers - They tracked down and reported numerous bugs in Omnicalc over months of testing.