Detached Solutions Title

The MirageOS User's Manual

Graphical User Interfaces :  Program Names


Title: Program Names Interface v1.0
Date:  July 24th, 2000
By:    Jason Kovacs 
Email: jason@detacheds.com
Web:   www.detacheds.com
Calc:  TI-83 Plus
Shell: MirageOS
Size:  1216 bytes
File:  MIRNAME.zip (Source Included)

The Program Names Interface is an External GUI File for use with MirageOS, the Flash Application shell for the TI-83 Plus. This Interface lists all of the compatible files on your calculator by Program Name, which appear in the PRGM menu, and arranges them into two columns. The user can select programs by means of a highlighting cursor that moves to each program name. The maximum number of programs this interface can display at once is 12, and in order to display more programs, the list can be scrolled upwards and downwards when your cursor is at the edges of the viewable area.

ARROWS:      Moves Cursor Up, Down, Left, and Right through the
             list of available programs. Also scrolls list of
             program names if there are more of them off screen.

ENTER/2ND:   Executes the currently highlighted program.

MODE:        Exits MirageOS back to the TI-83 Plus Homescreen.

ALPHA:       Goes to the Options Screen of the shell.

PLUS:        Increases the current Contrast Level setting.

MINUS:       Decreases the current Contrast Level setting.

X,T,0,n:     Goto the Folders Menu of the shell to change the
             current folder you are viewing the programs of.

STO:         Move the currently highlighted program to another
             folder. Activates the Folders Menu.

TRACE:       Page Up in the list of programs. Moves your cursor
             to the top of the list, and then scrolls upwards
             six programs at a time.

GRAPH:       Page Down in the list of programs. Moves your cursor
             to the bottom of the list, and then scrolls downwards
             six programs at a time.

ON:          Shuts Down the calculator temporarily. Press ON
             again to turn the calculator back on and resume
             in the shell.

The top of the Program Names Interface shows the MirageOS header, seen in the Program Manager as well as other Interfaces, and the Top-Right corner of the screen shows the name of the current folder you are in. The Custom Descriptions of programs are shown in the bottom area of the screen, and to see more detailed information about programs, you should view that in the Program Manager. A scroll bar is located to the right side of the screen, which contains a scroll box showing the relative position of where your cursor is in the full list of programs.
Version 1.0 - Initial Release of Program Names GUI. (07-25-00)


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